Monday, May 07, 2007

New Dance

3RD FLO (formely Heizman Boyz) - Do The Heisman On That...

As the Adcenter '06 Hip Hop Culture guru, here is a new dance that will be big this summer. It's so new, the music video isn't even out yet. It's not even being played on the radio either. But, like always, you'll be in the know. Learn the dance and bust it out. You'll be cool because you'll know how to do the Heisman.

This kind of reminds me of that NY Times article about cumulative advantage.

The reason is that when people tend to like what other people like, differences in popularity are subject to what is called “cumulative advantage,” or the “rich get richer” effect. This means that if one object happens to be slightly more popular than another at just the right point, it will tend to become more popular still.

This youtube video has over a million hits. Why? Who knows but's it a great example of bypassing mainstream and becoming mainstream. Similar to the long tail theory. Kind of like the hip-hop version of the Arctic Monkeys. Mark my words, they will be big this summer if not this year.

You heard it hear first.


alexis said...

can someone say football camp dance? It will be crazy if that catches on. Reminds me of dances that happen at cheerleading camp! (only much cooler)

kevin said...

I've been serving people with that shit for months...where've you been mike?

mikekarnj said...

I think you're right Alexis. Once this song hits mainstream, you'll see all the NFL players doing it after they score.

I acually almost got hit by a car in Richmond on 14th and Cary. I did the Heisman to a car to tell it to stop. But that was at like 2 AM. Not the best idea ever.

Joshua said...

Where the hell are they filming this, in one of the rooms their little brothers share? God forbid they bust out the new hotness in something larger than a Wal-Mart aisle.

My favorite dancer is the guy way in the back wearing the red shirt. I've nicknamed him 'Dazzle' 'cause he obviously was thrown in the back of the line cause he wasn't quite up to speed on the moves, but at the end of the song BAM! Dazzle is there front and center.

Damn Dazzle, but what are you going to do?

krissie said...

Alexis, you went to cheerleading camp????

alexis said...

NO! I did not go to cheerleading camp. I should have written "Reminds me of something that would happen at cheerleading camp."