Friday, December 01, 2006


i'm trying to get some examples of mainstream brands that have managed to gain credibility among 'trendier,' or smaller audience groups as well...

like puma has sponsored urban cycling teams, thus creating a following among bike messengers...

nike has the 'run with us' teams, hardcore runners that meet at nike towns in the afternoons, and encourage people to try and keep up with them based on their mile times, thus cementing them with serious runners, not just mainstreamers...

any examples would be rad.

ps. don't make fun of me barrie...

My parents almost named me grapefruit...true story

Naming the Grapefruit
Reverend Griffith Hughes came upon the grapefruit in 1750 and called it the "forbidden fruit" when he and others were seeking the origin of the tree of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. The grapefruit carried the "forbidden fruit" name for many years after.

Originally named Citrus paradisi Macf., the grapefruit was considered a sport of the pummelo, the giant of the citrus family. Botanically, a sport is a dramatic variation of the normal variety resulting from a mutation. James MacFayden, a botanist, differentiated the grapefruit from the pummelo in his 1837 work Flora of Jamaica.

More than 100 years later in 1948 citrus horticulturists began to examine the grapefruit's botanical origins and concluded it was not a sport of the pummelo but a hybrid between the pummelo and the orange that occurred accidentally. The grapefruit now has the scientific name Citrus X paradisi.

The grapefruit's common name probably came from the 19th century naturalist who noted that the fruits appeared to grow in clusters like grapes. He was observing those fist-sized fruits that grew from seeds brought to the West Indies by Captain Shaddock.

Pomelo Several attempts to change the grapefruit's name to something more appealing were unsuccessful. American horticulturists, convinced the grapefruit's name was unfitting, wanted to call it pomelo, but some people suggested it would be confused with pummelo. Then as recently as 1962, the Florida Citrus Mutual attempted to give the grapefruit a name that would be more commercially appealing and increase its marketability. This effort, too, failed because of public outcry. The grapefruit is still a grapefruit.

Some Dutch people refer to the grapefruit as a shaddock, others call it a pampelmoose, a name originally given to a pomelo but now used for grapefruit.

The French call grapefruit pamplemousse (pumpkin-sized citron). The Italians named it pompelmo.

Speaking of Hardboiled Eggs

Did you ever wonder who the smart guy was who named a grapefruit a grapefruit? I mean, how hard is to tell the difference between a green grape hanging from a vine and a large yellowish (granted there can be a green tint) blob hanging from a freakin tree? Give me a break. Any clues would be most appreciated.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Kumar = Kumar

This is a picture of Kumar Pallana (he's an actor)

He plays a character named Mr. Littlejeans in the movie Rushmore

Josh and I thought Rushmore's Kumar looked like our Kumar, and had the same name, and since Mr. Littlejeans is way funnier than Kumar, Kumar became Mr. Littlejeans. But I'm not sure our Kumar ever new that. Kumar, you're Mr. Littlejeans.


I want someone to explain Mr. Littlejeans. It sounds like it might make my Thursday a happy Thursday.

the incredible edible egg (hard boiled)

I have learned one more lesson in the egg boiling experience.
You must put the egg in while the water is warming, otherwise the poor little things crack.

Thanks for all of the recommendations and everyone applaud kumars first appearance.

The Shuck still lives!

That's right everyone! Jim is alive and well in Chicago. Also quite noteworthy, Chanda's smile is bright as ever!

Over the last few days I have been in Chicago with a client and had an opportunity to hang out with two of my favorite people.

Chicago has changed so much since the last time I was here, but it is much better when sipping good irish ales in the company of good friends.

If you get a chance check out Millineum Park, but eat before you go as the restaurant/snack stand is outrageously priced. Also, be prepared to search and search for parking or pay out the ying/yang.

I told Jim about the blog our W&K wonder twins have started and he very much wants to share with everyone and still be connected with us.

I also tried to connect with Danielli and Sorrosh, but they must have been too busy with some amazing work or something. If I missed anyone here in Chicago, please let me know so that I can catch up with you next trip as it seems like I will be flying up here quite a bit.

Now I just need a San Fran, London and NY client to fully make the rounds.

Peace love and Abercombie.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Does anybody else get a strange satisfaction in typing TERMINATE over and over in a screener? (I'm writing my first one since Katherine + Stacy!).

Maybe it's just me.

Engaged to be Wed (or is it wedded?)

This is what we looked like right after getting engaged on an ice skating rink in Boston Commons last night. Not only did she say yes, but she did so without causing either of us to bust our southern-fried asses on the ice. We were apparently the first of the season, which was pretty exciting...HUZZAH!

Also, I turned 27 yesterday. It's weird to be as old as Tom. It kind of hurts.

i knew saving these would come in handy!


this is the weirdest city. at 9am this morning, about 12 nascars raced down madison avenue in front of my office... i think i saw dale jr. but i'm not sure. it was loud. it was weird.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

hard boiled

Anybody know the best way to hard boil and egg?
Yes. I'm serious.
I think i did it wrong because the shell didn't peel away very easily.

BUT, i got Egglands Best - it tasted non-eggy. Awesome.


I've started to post weekly interviews on the blog. Check them out if you get a chance. Problem is that I'm running out of people to interview. So, if you know any interesting people that I can talk to, email me at

Doesn't have to be in advertising, anyone with an interesting point of view would be spectacular! Thanks guys, cheers.