Thursday, July 03, 2008

30 day Challenge

I'm going 30 days without alcohol.
Starting today.
More details on my blog.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


My desk...

And I thought you might all enjoy this little gem from my recent travels in Montana...

P.S. I will be at the planning conference. Hope to see some of you!


Special guest appeared in mine.
To the right on the wall is a picture of my boss pointing at me with a glass boot he had just finished in front of his face and a handwritten message "Don't fuck this up."


Here's mine.
Note the Blue Action Steps.
Yes, I'm productive.
And HBS case study to the left.
Yes, I still read those things.

And for those of you in SF, I'm throwing not one but TWO parties.
Wednesday, July 16 will be Cause for Drinks at Mr. Smith's from 7 - 10 PM.
The next night, on July 17, I'm throwing an event with Behance and PSFK called We Like You at Otis. Tell all your friends.
That's how I roll yo.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

My Desk

It occurred to me after seeing a pic of Brandau's office (yes, OFFICE), that it'd be fun to see everyone else's work spaces.

Here's my shitty workspace. Show me yours! Be sure to make note of anything inappropriate or vulgar on your desk. And show your window view if you have one. Bonus if you are in the pic. I miss all of your faces...

On the road to Al Ain

We drove out into the desert, and found...

well, exactly what you'd expect to find in the middle of the desert where it's 117 degrees...

an indoor ice skating rink, of course.

This 'fun park' had barbed wire all around it. We tried to get in, but it was ladies day.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Planning Conference

Anyone going? Check out the third breakout session...