Saturday, January 13, 2007

If you don't mind a 15hr flight, Brazil is a lot of fun

This is the Christ Statue and it sits atop the highest point in Rio. This place is considered by many to be holy ground and was quite busy. The view is truly amazing as you are at times above the clouds! From this point you can see downtown Rio, Copacabana and Ipanema. I personally liked Ipanema the best as it seemed to be a little more hip and less populated with street vendors and "working girls." I was there over the holidays and it is summer so the weather was awesome and 98 degrees everyday. The women really do wear "dental floss" bikinis, if they wear anything at all, and ALL the guys wear those little brief swim trunks. There are often free concerts on the beachs, such as the Stones a few months ago, which drew over 1.5 million people and over New Years they were estimating 1 million in Ipanema to see the Black Eyed Peas and 2 million in Copacabana for some Brazilian artists.

This is the the famous Copacabana sidewalks. It seems to just keep going on and on. One thing I kept seeing was these guys all wearing orange jumpsuits and picking up trash from the beach, sweeping the sidewalks, replacing tiles and just doing whatever to keep the place clean. But the wierdest thing was all the women were all over these guys! It turns out that these guys work for the Governor and have rare benefits such as healthcare, good salary and prestige. I found a lot of poverty in Rio, ghettos are called "flavellas" and they are quite abundant. There is no social security or medicaid so you see a lot of poor people. I definitely recommend learning some Portuguese as not everyone speaks English. There are over 175 million people in Brazil, the 5th largest country in the world. I met so many people from every corner of Brazil and it reminded me very much my travels throughout the US.

This is the Christ Statue from Sugar Loaf, which is this two stage gondola ride to another view of the surrounding areas. There was a famous James Bond scene where he was fighting "Jaws" as the gondola rose. I think the movie was Moonraker, but not positive. As I rode up I wondered how someone thought about spending a lot of money, a long time ago, just to ride up another mountain. And who climbed up there and found that it was a beautiful view? Just like all of many more questions...

This is Ipanema and it a beautiful sight. The surfing is quite good here and board rentals can be found for around $15. Hang gliding is around $65 but I didn't have the time as it takes a full day. I found the best restaurants in Ipanema (Mios, Sr. Pierre are pretty good) to be more relaxed and better than anywhere else. If you're lucky you'll get to see a group of guys doing this martial arts dance/fight moves in the street.

Well, that's enough for now. If you are thinking about going to Brazil give me a call as I have much more info that will be beneficial. In fact, you may have noticed that I don't have any pictures of random people, there is a large "Brazilian mafia" down there and they will attack you if you take their picture. At the least they will take your camera, but much worse is more common.

I wish you all the best and hope to see some of you sometime soon.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy Berfday Bonz

My ode to alison, without whom i would never have had terrible songs stuck in my head day after day.
I'm thankful to have spent 6th months with her and if she ever loses something, ask her to check her suitcase.

Happy Birthday AC!!!!!!!

Happy birthday Alison! I miss my roommate! My new roommate isn't nearly as fun as you -- we haven't had any iron's dropped or wine stains on our carpet. It's so boring. I miss you girl - love, preppy


The identity of our mysterious anonymous poster is....

I don't think this is going to be a hard one to figure out

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I am curious... to what the 2 comments to our friend Anonymous's post (alluding to our rich parents?) said. I know Tom left one of them. What did they say? Curiosity is killing me. Is this a case of Steve Sailer syndrome?

At least one school from Florida isn't terrible at football

Congratulations to Florida on winning a national championship last night. I wish miami would get their act together and get back to decent form. I think their glory days might be behind them now. At least Florida State still shows some sort of pulse...but Miami...done. That's what happens when you have the worst fan base in the South.

I know that probably none of you I apologize.

Something else that you can have your parents buy you.

Monday, January 08, 2007


who's it gonna be?


This will help you be the biggest bullshitter in the room. Thank me later.

Boston Bound

Thats right. We're packing up and leaving Durham. It's been 'wicked awesome' here but we've both had some great opportunities pop-up in Boston. Krissie will be doing interactive media at Hill Holiday and I'll be working for Gareth in planning at Modernista. We're waiting to hear back about an apartment that we applied for, but it looks like we'll be living in the Fenway neighborhood about three blocks from Fenway Park.

Go Sox ... Boo Boston College ... Shrug to the Patriots ... meh to the Celtics ... and whatever to the Bruins.

...and House of Pain is wicked sick awesome.

Monday Fun

I have a question.

Why do humans have two sets of teeth? Do other mammals have two sets?
Is it because we outgrow them? Why don't they just grow like the rest of our bones?

I could try to look it up, but that would take time and effort.