Saturday, July 26, 2008

this is where i "work."

my intern's finger got in the way. so i beat him into submission.

and bernie is just awesome. for more details about that, ask barrie.

love, danielli

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

for the literate

I'm pretty sure you can all read. I was reading the newest New Yorker this morning on the subway and I came across an article that talks about the science behind insight.
It's really interesting.
The title of the article is "The Eureka Hunt."
Just passing along....

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm a consumer too, in my free time

I love t-shirts. I love them even more now that they can solve the world's problems:

"Every face on a Joy T- Shirt has been inspired by a real person. When you wear your shirt you are encouraged to think about that person and how your everyday actions can affect others and the world we live in.

After you purchase a shirt you may then upload a photo of your own visage to have your face drawn by hand and worn on the hearts of others. It is about taking an active stance against racism and discrimination while being an advocate for peace and equality... because in someway or another, we are all connected!"

I want to advocate peace and equality. I have to get dressed every day. Look for my face on a t-shirt near you.