Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanks to you

Thanks to You

Thanks to you, this past year was beautiful. I could count on you in the deepest heartache, in my most unsure moments, in the passing of my sweet and loving animals, and in the journey through my mom's death. Thanks to you, I have an amazing book filled with love, compassion, heart and the character of your souls. Thanks to you, I am a stronger man and fellow human being.

Thanks to you, I offer this for your own hearts to reflect upon this day: Be true to your own heart and listen to your inner spirit - it is a true guide. Find a way to feast alone within your self each and every day. It is the richest meal you will have that day. Truly you are precious. Each of you.

Happy Thanksgiving you guys. I love you.

Happy Turkey Day

Emo moment - I'm glad to know all of you guys! While you guys are munching down on turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, corn, pumpkin pie and the such I will be eating fish and chips. It's all "gravy" though because tonight is the Naked Sessions party. Mods vs Rockers. Word.

Don't forget to go (red) this year. I got the Gap(Red) hoody and it's sick duddddeee!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Things that burn...besides Kevin's stomach.

I did not go to work yesterday.
The Richards Group caught on fire. Seriously.

But I am back at work today.
Here's my personal contest to come up with a new tagline for TRG:

The Richards Group is HOT!
We're on fire, baby!
If you can't stand the heat, get out of advertising.
What did Kevin have for lunch? That's how hot we are.
Hey, do you smell smoke?

For Joanna (Schilling?)

Joanna, congrats on getting your marriage on. As a tribute to many years, nay, decades of happy weddedness, and as a hollaback to your shout out to the things I eat for lunch, I bring to you: "Yesterday's Lunch: Frito Pie."

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Forecast...Sunshine & Shitstorms

Hello all,

I know that I have been absent from your forum and I hate to bring you down. We have had a loss in our family. My father died two weeks ago. I know that many of you never met him, but I am very much like him. Needless to say, we are dealing with the loss the best we can. That’s all I’ll say here.

Any now to happier things... I got married in July.

Here’s what you missed:

1. It rained only during the time the ceremony was scheduled. We got married inside.
2. I don’t remember anyone I talked to only that they seemed very happy.
3. Several old people suffered back injuries attempting a dance move called the “alligator”
4. My husband’s conception story was told in great detail during a toast. Too bad it was the wrong one.

Anyhow, you all sound like you are doing magnificently. This blog is great. Thanks for the updates on what you are having for lunch. It helps me get through the day.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving. Give your family lots of hugs.

See, Alison, I posted.

Strawberry Hill Races, 05. Barrie wouldn't get off the roof of my cab, someone set up a weird drinking game, and people started passing out in the lawn in front of the track.

I'm pretty sure that Meloche drove my truck back, and everyone kept yelling at Mike, who would oscillate between trying to get us to drink more, and passing out mid sentence.

Good times.
Death of the Traditional Marketing Model

Here is a video of the eulogy we had for the Traditional Marketing Model at our launch party on the 9th of November. This guy was really incredible.


What's everybody doing for Thanksgiving? If you're in Virginia Beach and have nothing better to do, you can come to my house and eat.

That's assuming the airport isn't so insane tomorrow that I don't get anywhere, but let's hope for the best.

Oh, and for all you vegans (Josh/Kevin), apparently there's a new cocktail here that's getting rave reviews that's pork flavored...

Monday, November 20, 2006

long-distance moverssss

Can anybody recommend a long-distance mover that they've been ecstatic with? It's that time, now that I have a place to put my bed, table, otherlargefurnitureandthings, etc. please & thanks!


Anyone know how to display the most recent comments using blogger? Instead of this gross list to the right?

"Bonner and Leimer give it two thumbs way up!!"