Friday, December 05, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Broken Window
Anyway. It seems true (although I'm not sure how large their sample was, etc.).
It also seems a small leap to think the following:
What we are really thinking about here is perception. Whether this is subjective perception- this place looks untidy- or a subconscious disagreement with objective societal rules- if this space is being misused it's cool if I do it as well.
This seems to make sense. But it also seems to be absolutely bonkers. Think of the small (from a social experiment perspective) amount of people you know well. Now think of the how far on one side or the other some of them fall in the tidiness scale. Some are neat freaks. Some are absolute slobs.
Much of how you judge them on that scale relates not only to their perception of clean and dirty, but your perception as well. Mostly your perception. But that isn't really the point.
The point is, when people perceive something to be in disarray, they have a tendency to value that space in a different manner, one in which they break social conventions/laws.
So, the neater you are- the more likely you are to be a damn deviant, because you perceive spaces to be in disarray more than someone who tends to be a bit of a slob.
This seems crazy. Slobs are the psychos, right?
On a slightly related note this video I've included reminded me of this (for some reason).
The OG:
The New Hotness:
I know I know, too much from Kottke.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Selling a new idea.
clipped from
MAKER: See, the thing about fire is that it's totally interactive. Fire isn't a bear, but if you put fire on a bear, then the bear becomes fire. It's completely responsive to your needs at a given time, reacting specifically to your fuel input and usage paradigm ... HAIRY ONE: OK, stop right there. Here's the thing. I've heard a lot about this fire already. Everyone is saying how shiny it is and how flickery it is. But you have to agree that that's very specialized. I know you folks at the Shallow Pond With a Terrible Odor are making a whole big deal about this, but we here by the River That's Not as Wide as the Really Wide River, well, we're simple folk. We want to know: what can it do for us? And the thing is, until people really figure out how fire can be used, I just can't see it becoming a staple of everyday life. |
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Ahhh....What the Fuck?
I mean...Crate and Barrel?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Onion's Reaction
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Cheatin' Perspective
Societal reasons, we know, have had a lot to do with who admits it, but , it takes two to tango.
And yes, I am working on Millionaire Matchmaker 2 planning right now. ugh.
clipped from Dr. Fisher notes that infidelity is common across cultures, and that in hunting and gathering societies, there is no evidence that women are any less adulterous than men. The fidelity gap may be explained more by cultural pressures than any real difference in sex drives between men and women. It is not entirely clear if the historical gap between men and women is real or if women have just been more likely to lie about it. “Men want to think women don’t cheat, and women want men to think they don’t cheat, and therefore the sexes have been playing a little psychological game with each other.” One notable shift is that couples appear to be spending slightly more time together. And married men and women also appear to have the most active sex lives, reporting sex with their spouse 58 times a year, a little more than once a week. |
Friday, October 24, 2008
I just couldn't pass these up without sharing
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
1. I've heard of the book about the boy and buddha.
2. I now know that I like the work of Paul Buckley.
3. What really compelled me to share this was Paul Buckley's explanation of Siddhartha.
3a. More accurately, it was the realization that two unknowns can use each other as a catalyst to create something deeply identifiable for us to find out about ourselves.
clipped from
I have a bad tendency to over-explore things; to sometimes think that in order to find the right answer, one needs to look at EVERYTHING. Anything that reminds me that the answer is always nearby…grab it and keep moving…is good for me – visually and personally. |
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Gotta love Muji
Still getting sparks of delight from true and pure insight. Hope all of you are as well.
clipped from
multifunction is not the same as multipurpose. |
Monday, October 06, 2008
clipped from
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
The New Orleans 100
"The New Orleans 100" is a worldwide initiative that will highlight and encourage discussion among millions about 100 of the most innovative and world-changing ideas to take root in the city since Katrina.
After hearing so many of the positive changes and innovative projects post-Katrina, we've decided enough is enough. It's time to put an end to the negative press in mainstream media. We know that the levees broke. We know that our city is dysfunctional. We know that. But do you know about Prospect.1? Or about the influx of young professionals into New Orleans? The world needs to know about the NEW New Orleans. And to quote Brad Pitt, "If you're going to rebuild something, why not rebuild it right?" Amen brother.
To combat top down media during the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, we will leverage bottom up tools on the social web (email, blogs, twitter, facebook, digg, etc.), which can reach a combined audience of millions to raise awareness about New Orleans and inspire action to make a difference.
The list will be released on Monday, August 25th - the week of the Hurricane Katrina anniversary. Our goal is to reach 1,000,000 pageviews by 8/29/08. We encourage everyone to spread the word by emailing the list, blogging it, digging it, stumbling it, and yelling it out their windows.
You can make a difference. All it takes is a click!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
this is where i "work."
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
for the literate
Monday, July 21, 2008
I'm a consumer too, in my free time
"Every face on a Joy T- Shirt has been inspired by a real person. When you wear your shirt you are encouraged to think about that person and how your everyday actions can affect others and the world we live in.
After you purchase a shirt you may then upload a photo of your own visage to have your face drawn by hand and worn on the hearts of others. It is about taking an active stance against racism and discrimination while being an advocate for peace and equality... because in someway or another, we are all connected!"
I want to advocate peace and equality. I have to get dressed every day. Look for my face on a t-shirt near you.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Here's mine.
Note the Blue Action Steps.
Yes, I'm productive.
And HBS case study to the left.
Yes, I still read those things.
And for those of you in SF, I'm throwing not one but TWO parties.
Wednesday, July 16 will be Cause for Drinks at Mr. Smith's from 7 - 10 PM.
The next night, on July 17, I'm throwing an event with Behance and PSFK called We Like You at Otis. Tell all your friends.
That's how I roll yo.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
My Desk
It occurred to me after seeing a pic of Brandau's office (yes, OFFICE), that it'd be fun to see everyone else's work spaces.
Here's my shitty workspace. Show me yours! Be sure to make note of anything inappropriate or vulgar on your desk. And show your window view if you have one. Bonus if you are in the pic. I miss all of your faces...
On the road to Al Ain
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Burka Burka Burka Burka
In an attempt to show Tom how much I appreciate him, I sent him on assignment to Dubai and Abu Dhabi for the next week.
He will be observing Arabic focus groups and trying not to offend too many people.
I'm pretty sure since he's started we've been in the office at the same time maybe a day and a half.
This works perfectly, except when he sends out all agency emails without runnin' them by me first.
Take this one, on his first day, for example:
Subject: the coolest
planner ever to work here.
compliment my beard and i will buy you a pint of your choice.
seriously. i need to make friends.
That little doozy was quite the hit.
By the way, how do ya'll feel about the planner survey?
Saw that Fallon Planning Blog is the second most read, which will probably spiral downward in popularity now that Tom has to post to it.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Port O'Brien aka. Port O'Face Melting Awesome
This band is so good. Its so good that:
I. Can't. Stop. Listening.
It's so good that I know the words and jumble them up when I'm singing in the shower.
It's so good that I wish to know these people personally.
It's better than average music, and I will gladly give it to you, if only to know that you will thereafter be in debt to me.
Listen to it on Myspace, then hurdle yourself electronically towards me.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Here's a thing.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - the new social networking site.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Miss Dzurko I presume...
There are many of us, two years out, that have changed jobs.
A good bunch of us have jumped cities.
There have been relationship gymnastics.
And with any move, things get lost in the shuffle.
But isn't it great when something you didn't even know was missing surprises you like a $20 in an old pair of culottes?
From the site:
Caroline Dzurko, General Manager
"Caroline has worked at Kwik Kopy since she was 16. She spent her summers during high school and college here, waiting on the counter and working in bindery. Caroline graduated from Longwood University in 1999 with a BA in English. She taught school in Chesterfield County for five years before deciding to come learn the “Family Business”.
She is responsible for the day to day running of the business, and with a strong creative background she is the “go to” girl for your special marketing projects.
When she’s not working, Caroline enjoys physical fitness, camping, reading, slinging beers at the Race track, entering bikini contests, and spending time at her summer home in the Hamptons."
I wish her well.