Monday, April 16, 2007

a Felix birthday

Originally uploaded by tokyohanna.
It was so good. We drank a lot (champagne included). We also told some QUITE interesting stories about classmates. If you're reading this, hey, we may have talked about you. Nothing bad though, don't worry :) It was Felix, his friend Jaime, Kristen M, Amy N, Kate and myself @ Highline in the Meatpacking District. Delicious. We wish you all could have been there.


danielli said...

i'm pretty sure you guys talked about my awesome dance moves.

Johanna Beyenbach said...

It HAS been about a year since you were crowned prom queen, Danielli!

alexis said...

HAPPY FELIX DAY!! I'm so glad you guys hung out together - I'm jealous I wasn't there!!