Monday, March 26, 2007

congrats to my true love!

I would like to be the first to congratulate sweet sweet Danielli about her brand new job.
She will be going to Carmichael Lynch and I'm so happy for her.
I love you homz.


kate said...

Hey hey hey!
Congrats! I bet you are stoked to show off your sweet powerpoint skillz ! Can't wait to hear about it. Keep me posted.
loving and missing you.

kevin said...

congrats D...don't forget to ask for a company harley. Keep us posted on how it goes...

mikekarnj said...

congrats my favorite asian from rufio

alexis said...

YAY for You!! Way to go, lady! Good luck and definitely keep us updated:)

krissie said...

I'm so proud of you! Even though I was hoping that you would come live in our spare bedroom in Boston :(

Naughton said...

super sweet.

danny's been running around minneapolis like he owns the place.

go tell him who's boss.

glennd said...

That is AWESOME!

Congratulations Danielli..forget the Harley..go for the Porsche! Heck, go for both...or at least a lime green vespa.

You'll have them eating out of your hands in no time. And they'll like it.

Johanna Beyenbach said...

fucking awesome. congratulations, danielli!

Charlie said...

Awesome Danielli! Thanks for the email.!!! Tell Katrina I said hello.