Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Time to Celebrate

OK, since we are in advertising and since I KNOW you would want to be reminded...... today is my birthday! And as it is my birthday, I want to say to all of you that my life is unbelievably great a) because I got it together enough to have three great kids, b) I had the amazing experience of working with all of you ... plus about 85 more of you from other years and c) because I made the decision to design my life and move my ass to California. What a great idea that was! Anyway, blessings to all of you and I hope you all come here to see me tonight with a cake... cheap airfares right now don't cha know. Don't bother with candles - they don't make cakes big enough to put them all on....


Naughton said...

Happy Birthday!

I blame Robert Stoll for not reminding us all...

Damn you Robert!

Brandon said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

glennd said...

Happy Birthday Charlie!

I wish I had the time to fly year!

kevin said...

happy birthday charlie...hope all is well in "Kaaleyforneya"

kate said...

happy birthday charlie!
what's your birthday wish?
mine was for thunderpants.

alexis said...


I'll be out there this summer, in Tiburon, for a wedding. I can't wait because I've never been to the S.F. area. We're all so happy for you - you've set a great example for all of us:)

Raqib said...

happy birthday Charlie!