Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I've added comments back to the page but have changed the settings to weekly. So what that means is that the comments on the sidebar are for the past week and not past month like they used to be.

Does anyone know how to make this blog private so that we are the only ones that can read it? Or do you guys want to keep it public? There's way too much embarassing shit on here. I don't want future employers to google my name to find pictures of me passed out in a pumpkin suit on the steps of the Adcenter. Wait, that was Thompson, nevermind.


Anonymous said...

Mike, i shouldn't give you this clue but you can set the permission feature in order to restrict the readers. (You must switch to beta version)

mikekarnj said...

Thanks Oakie. You're allowed to read it :)

I just don't want future employers reading all our embarassing moments

Naughton said...

like you're going to have 'future' employers...

Joshua said...

mike. i don't think it matters. As long as my nan doesn't read this, I'm fuckin golden. So are you. She misses you, like Tom misses me- I still have my Valentine Present she sprung on me after breakfast at Tom's house. True story.

Bottom line: You probably wouldn't want to work for a place that wouldn't fully support you passing out in any costume.

who the heck is oakie?

Joshua said...

toms mom that is.

mikekarnj said...

You guys are right, let's keep it open.

I accidently said "future employers" when I meant to say current employers. Honest mistake.

Anonymous said...

Let me answer that question, "Who the heck is oakie?"

I am just your blog reader who live in Thailand and wannabe Adcenter student next year.