Friday, December 08, 2006

Coming to Chicago

Hey everyone
Sorry I haven't posted on this crazy thing--It's great to see everyone doing so well!! Chicago is rocking--seriously love this city. Cheese fries, stuffed pizza, classic cab drivers, Wrigley Field, below zero temperatures, corn-fed boys, drinking, beer, great bars and the best people!
Work has been drama--we' re still figuring things out. Old boss out, new boss in and now we are rebuilding our planning department from the bottom up with new management. Miss all of you!
Oh and this week, Ogivly Holiday Party '06. Jenn says hi too. We told everyone we were the President & Co President of the VCU Adcenter bowling team. So needless to say we rocked...


kevin said...

Man am I jealous...bowling league!? Glad to hear you're doing well...

felix said...

ah bowling...

I believe everytime I've went bowling in Richmond, Kevin was there. Perhaps we should form the men's league.