Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Gus the camel.

This morning (or afternoon for most of you) I would like to assign a small task.
Read this article involving a drunk camel.
Then, vote on which on of our classmates this camel most reminds you of.

Yes, i might be avoiding work.
But in a healthy way.

PS. I can't make links to things and i don't know why. Computers make me angry sometimes.


mikekarnj said...
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mikekarnj said...

I had a mince pie last night, it wasn't very good but everyone here seems to like them. I tried to explain eggnog to them but then I realized I don't even know what eggnog is because I just buy it from Kroger in the dairy section. And that you throw like rum in it. But I didnt say that because then everyone would think I was an alcoholic which I am not.

The camel reminds me of...


Only because he made the last comment about me about that other thing earlier today.

I'm leaving work, adios

Naughton said...

oh come on. it's clearly calvert. clearly.

kate said...

haha. calvert, that crafty camel.

mikekarnj said...

I take back my last answer, tom trumped it, def calvert