And because you guys are so out of the loop in the hip hop world, this is the reason all the NFL players are doing fadeaway shots when they score on Sundays. And probably why you hear same people yelling "BAAALLLLIIINNN" now.
Lastly, I need a huge favor from you guys. I'm throwing a music event on June 2, 2007 on Brown's Island and I'm looking for major sponsors. Soooo, if you are working with any brands/clients that are looking to break into music and sponsorships, let me know. Or if you know of anyone, let me know too.
This event is going to be huge so I'm looking for a big sponsorship. Thanks a lot guys. Cheers!
Do you have any more info I could pass on to people about your event? I'll see what I can do, provided we still have any clients by then...
send me an email...
please tell me the outfits that had to win "wigger tinfoil Eskimo of the future" were given to you by the con-artists that pulled to proverbial douche over your eyes.
namely absolut. i blame naughton.
Everyone had to wear those things when we got in, it wasnt my choice..ASS
dude, june 2nd is my birthday. i should be the guest of honor.
dear anonymous...
i'm going to take a break from World of Warcraft, grab another couple of taquitos or 10, then surf on over to your blog and hyperlink to some lame ass site about gambling, sex or abortion... i'm not sure what yours is because i'm to tired, i mean drunk to check it out...
but i hate you. everyone on this blog hates you. post again, and kumar will find you. he's indian. that means he knows how to use the internet, and he will find you. he's also crazy... like, numchumks crazy. oh you've crossed the line alright.
i'm afraid for you.
like, 'the shining' afraid...
That anonymous comment was from me
weird. i don't remember writing that?
hahaha, i dont remember writing the anonymous comment either
who the hell is Kumar? you mean mr. littlejeans.
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