Friday, November 17, 2006

Shout Out!

Just had to share this kick-ass "non-trad" idea that our dear friend Joshua had for our Green SF campaign for PG&E. Lots of hard work on the account side went into making these grass couches come to life, but it wouldn't have been possible without the idea! This creative media thing can work. Yay!


Joshua said...

thanks bryna. god knows I am far to lazy to ever actually post. snide remarks in the comment section are where my thoughts live.

side note- what you can't see is the crazy asian guy doing his rendition of flash dancer off to the right of the picture that actually helped draw people to the couches.

i think we ended up having around 12 of them total, placed all around the city.

Joshua said...

i mean too lazy

mikekarnj said...

Not a bad idea Josh, well done.

Naughton said...

that cute, non-crying little girl was an excellent touch as well josh, kudos.

glennd said...

But where are the bums going to sleep now? Have you ever tried to sleep on a grass couch? And that damn poison oak is not much fun either.

All in all-awesome job brau! Right on target in the right city to raise some awareness.