Thursday, November 02, 2006

brian says what?

The latest pick of the little deaf guy, on his way to pick up some bitches for Halloween (note the bow-tie).


Barrie said...

sweet brian.

krissie said...

Hey, I was in Baltimore a few weekends ago running the half-marathon there. I looked for never told me that there were so many hills there!!!

alison said...

how's married life alexis?

alexis said...

KRISSIE - i ran the relay!

krissie said...

No way! I didn't see you - it was SO hard. I didn't train at all.

alexis said...

Krissie - you should have seen the course the first year. 2001 was it's inaugural year, and the only time I've done a marathon. It was so bad that all of the kenyans & people going for PRs complained & threatened to not do it. Painful. I might do the half next year. The relay is so much fun though. My friends & fam do 2 teams - girls -vs- guys. The girls usually win. If you do it again, we HAVE to meet up & hang together afterward!

Alison - married life is great! It's pretty much the same, except it's great to be in the same city & living in the same house! How've you been??