Thursday, December 21, 2006

Branding by association

Watch it.

What do we do again?

First off, I wanted to congratulate the good people at Venables (Bryna + Josh) for winning the Audi pitch. As you know, I broke up with my A4 before I moved to London but if you guys "engage" me as a "consumer" and "connect" with me on a "relevent" note, I might buy the A3 when I get back :)

Second, I was showing off the new flashy business cards we got yesterday to my sister (aren't they cool Jo?) but she still has no idea what I do. And I had no idea how to explain it without sounding like a big dork.

Does anyone have a little little speech put together especially now since it's Christmas time and I'm pretty sure you'll get drilled by family members. Or something unique they say about their job?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2 years ago, sometime around today...

Cool agencies

Does anyone know of any independent agencies that are doing things differently? I would like to put a list together, here are some on mine that I don't think anyone else will have. Agencies with cool websites will do but they have to be independent!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mike (or) Tom works on Lifetime?

On Adage today. What Lifetime networks sent them for the holidays. Having one foot in the media realm here at VB&P, all I've gotten is a ton of cookies from various pubs, and two bottles of wine. Anyone get anything super cool?

Also thought it was appropriate that Lifetime decided to go with Eleni's, because Mike and Tom got the idea to use the brand for a project in school-while watching one of their made for T.V. movies "The Baker who was Beaten". I think they snuggled.

They are going to claim that Charlie gave them the assignment, but unless he comments to the affirmative, then we all know the real deal.

Monday, December 18, 2006


where's everybody gonna be over the break?

any sweet vacation locales?

cmon, make me jealous...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Winter Season Festivites

"Christmas lights burn out in time, dear. We see the world in a different light." With Holiday parties all over the place for the next few weeks, I know that the communication between all of us is going to be spotty at best, so Happy Holidays to all of you. May you get what you want, not what you deserve.

I for one am pretty excited about the coming year. We are all scattered all about the country (and world) now, doing that which for some was our life aspiration. Some of us have gotten engaged , some of us have broken up, some of us are now intimately familiar with Southwest Airlines. This is probably as close as I can come to sentimental, but it struck me as a rolled into the office around 9:30 today to a catered meeting that centered around the best Spring Break Bars, that life doesn't get much better. We are allowed to flex our intellect with genuine , interesting people on a variety of projects , in an environment in which childlike curiosity and a dash of insanity are rewarded. Handsomely. (Eventually). And I guess that is a lot of what I am thankful for. So, tip your glass to yourself, I have a feeling you don't do it enough.

Ooohhhh Swaaaanky

I feel the same way I did when Kmart remodeled. Itchy.


the music festival on the 2nd of June is going to be hot fire.

shopping around for some dancehall DJs, came across this guy who is big in London. i'm def getting him! check it out

My new love...

Does anyone else share my love for flemish paintings?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

blue ocean strategery?


It's been a while since we've all been together. And I propose that we all try to get to NYC for a night of fun. Ran across this article and I think this place would be perfect. It's kind of posh and poncy and you guys will prob hate it but we can start it from here.

March anyone? Clear you schedules. List dates/cities/venues you would like to meet at if below is not sufficient.

Since hotel rooms have mini-bars, why not shake things up and create a bar with room-service? Located in New York's Flatiron District at 35 E. 21st Street, Room Service is a new nightspot with 9 curtained-off rooms ranging from petite intimate chambers to a roomy presidential suite that offers guests a grand 15 by 20 feet.

The private spaces are furnished with couches, chandeliers, a mini-fridge, dvd player and a drawer stocked with mouthwash and condoms (one assumes for patrons to use after they've left the premises). Most importantly, guests are appointed a personal butler/bartender who's instructed to cater to any whim a guest may have -- whether it's a tailor-mixed cocktail, a pair of silk pyjamas or a manicure.

Founder Chris Reda came up with the idea in part because he was fed up with bottle service policies at upscale bars and clubs, where patrons buy bottles of liquor or champagne to secure a table or VIP seating. At Room Service, guests rent a room for the evening (USD 350-800) and can then consume as little or as much as they please.

It's a fun idea for the hospitality industry and presents a new approach to VIP treatment. Affluent consumers will no doubt enjoy another opportunity to feel like celebs, with the added amusement of coming up with unusual challenges for the butlers. (Jeeves! Fetch me a hard-boiled egg and a riding crop.) For more bar-side innovation, check out Bacardi Bespoke and member's bar for everyone.

Contact: Chris Reda and Mike Romer - 212-254-5709

Monday, December 11, 2006


Last weekend ray visited and we went to the Absolut Ice Bar in London. £15 ($30) for 15 minutes. I'm not kidding, they time how long you can stay in the bar for. Here's us throwing the VA signs b/c we're thug like that yo!

And because you guys are so out of the loop in the hip hop world, this is the reason all the NFL players are doing fadeaway shots when they score on Sundays. And probably why you hear same people yelling "BAAALLLLIIINNN" now.

Lastly, I need a huge favor from you guys. I'm throwing a music event on June 2, 2007 on Brown's Island and I'm looking for major sponsors. Soooo, if you are working with any brands/clients that are looking to break into music and sponsorships, let me know. Or if you know of anyone, let me know too.

This event is going to be huge so I'm looking for a big sponsorship. Thanks a lot guys. Cheers!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Coming to Chicago

Hey everyone
Sorry I haven't posted on this crazy thing--It's great to see everyone doing so well!! Chicago is rocking--seriously love this city. Cheese fries, stuffed pizza, classic cab drivers, Wrigley Field, below zero temperatures, corn-fed boys, drinking, beer, great bars and the best people!
Work has been drama--we' re still figuring things out. Old boss out, new boss in and now we are rebuilding our planning department from the bottom up with new management. Miss all of you!
Oh and this week, Ogivly Holiday Party '06. Jenn says hi too. We told everyone we were the President & Co President of the VCU Adcenter bowling team. So needless to say we rocked...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

let's get this over with.

So, before the adcenter telephone tree begins, i thought i would share all by myself that i won't be staying at W+K.
Alison will however and that is wonderful news.

Sweet and sour. (just like my favorite candy, how appropriate).

Anyway, i need a job, so if anyone's got any leads i would love to know.

Please no compassionate comments. I'm serious. My life is not over.

Love you guys.

Gus the camel.

This morning (or afternoon for most of you) I would like to assign a small task.
Read this article involving a drunk camel.
Then, vote on which on of our classmates this camel most reminds you of.

Yes, i might be avoiding work.
But in a healthy way.

PS. I can't make links to things and i don't know why. Computers make me angry sometimes.


I've added comments back to the page but have changed the settings to weekly. So what that means is that the comments on the sidebar are for the past week and not past month like they used to be.

Does anyone know how to make this blog private so that we are the only ones that can read it? Or do you guys want to keep it public? There's way too much embarassing shit on here. I don't want future employers to google my name to find pictures of me passed out in a pumpkin suit on the steps of the Adcenter. Wait, that was Thompson, nevermind.

Dear West Coasties:

I will be among you soon.

Tonight, in fact.

Until Monday, in fact.

Mr. Awesome (me)

Xmas presents

Here's a gift from me to you. Speaking of Sergio and Tiff, this was filmed after the first Adcenter prom. Make sure you watch Sergio try to drink out of a candle. CLASSIC

I was in Prague last weekend and I thought about all you guys. I drank one for you.

Lastly, I'm doing a NY vs London night in a couple of months. We're looking for some big sponsors. Anyone have any ideas of brands that are linked between the two cities? Something like Virgin Atlantic or along those lines?

OK, it's almost 10 AM, I should start doing actual work now. Cheers!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Oh christmas party.....

Here are my memories of the Davignon Xmas party:

Kate got dancy.
Glenn lit himself on fire. (Glenn: "It's kind of hot in here")
I think TIffany and Sergio did something naughty.
Oh yes, and Tom dressed like Mr. Rogers.

Feel free to add accordingly.
And go.

Monday, December 04, 2006


This is the invitation to our holiday party this year.


Check out latest campaign from Office Max, done by our friends that work at Toy.

Thompson worked on and

Friday, December 01, 2006


i'm trying to get some examples of mainstream brands that have managed to gain credibility among 'trendier,' or smaller audience groups as well...

like puma has sponsored urban cycling teams, thus creating a following among bike messengers...

nike has the 'run with us' teams, hardcore runners that meet at nike towns in the afternoons, and encourage people to try and keep up with them based on their mile times, thus cementing them with serious runners, not just mainstreamers...

any examples would be rad.

ps. don't make fun of me barrie...

My parents almost named me grapefruit...true story

Naming the Grapefruit
Reverend Griffith Hughes came upon the grapefruit in 1750 and called it the "forbidden fruit" when he and others were seeking the origin of the tree of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. The grapefruit carried the "forbidden fruit" name for many years after.

Originally named Citrus paradisi Macf., the grapefruit was considered a sport of the pummelo, the giant of the citrus family. Botanically, a sport is a dramatic variation of the normal variety resulting from a mutation. James MacFayden, a botanist, differentiated the grapefruit from the pummelo in his 1837 work Flora of Jamaica.

More than 100 years later in 1948 citrus horticulturists began to examine the grapefruit's botanical origins and concluded it was not a sport of the pummelo but a hybrid between the pummelo and the orange that occurred accidentally. The grapefruit now has the scientific name Citrus X paradisi.

The grapefruit's common name probably came from the 19th century naturalist who noted that the fruits appeared to grow in clusters like grapes. He was observing those fist-sized fruits that grew from seeds brought to the West Indies by Captain Shaddock.

Pomelo Several attempts to change the grapefruit's name to something more appealing were unsuccessful. American horticulturists, convinced the grapefruit's name was unfitting, wanted to call it pomelo, but some people suggested it would be confused with pummelo. Then as recently as 1962, the Florida Citrus Mutual attempted to give the grapefruit a name that would be more commercially appealing and increase its marketability. This effort, too, failed because of public outcry. The grapefruit is still a grapefruit.

Some Dutch people refer to the grapefruit as a shaddock, others call it a pampelmoose, a name originally given to a pomelo but now used for grapefruit.

The French call grapefruit pamplemousse (pumpkin-sized citron). The Italians named it pompelmo.

Speaking of Hardboiled Eggs

Did you ever wonder who the smart guy was who named a grapefruit a grapefruit? I mean, how hard is to tell the difference between a green grape hanging from a vine and a large yellowish (granted there can be a green tint) blob hanging from a freakin tree? Give me a break. Any clues would be most appreciated.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Kumar = Kumar

This is a picture of Kumar Pallana (he's an actor)

He plays a character named Mr. Littlejeans in the movie Rushmore

Josh and I thought Rushmore's Kumar looked like our Kumar, and had the same name, and since Mr. Littlejeans is way funnier than Kumar, Kumar became Mr. Littlejeans. But I'm not sure our Kumar ever new that. Kumar, you're Mr. Littlejeans.


I want someone to explain Mr. Littlejeans. It sounds like it might make my Thursday a happy Thursday.

the incredible edible egg (hard boiled)

I have learned one more lesson in the egg boiling experience.
You must put the egg in while the water is warming, otherwise the poor little things crack.

Thanks for all of the recommendations and everyone applaud kumars first appearance.

The Shuck still lives!

That's right everyone! Jim is alive and well in Chicago. Also quite noteworthy, Chanda's smile is bright as ever!

Over the last few days I have been in Chicago with a client and had an opportunity to hang out with two of my favorite people.

Chicago has changed so much since the last time I was here, but it is much better when sipping good irish ales in the company of good friends.

If you get a chance check out Millineum Park, but eat before you go as the restaurant/snack stand is outrageously priced. Also, be prepared to search and search for parking or pay out the ying/yang.

I told Jim about the blog our W&K wonder twins have started and he very much wants to share with everyone and still be connected with us.

I also tried to connect with Danielli and Sorrosh, but they must have been too busy with some amazing work or something. If I missed anyone here in Chicago, please let me know so that I can catch up with you next trip as it seems like I will be flying up here quite a bit.

Now I just need a San Fran, London and NY client to fully make the rounds.

Peace love and Abercombie.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Does anybody else get a strange satisfaction in typing TERMINATE over and over in a screener? (I'm writing my first one since Katherine + Stacy!).

Maybe it's just me.

Engaged to be Wed (or is it wedded?)

This is what we looked like right after getting engaged on an ice skating rink in Boston Commons last night. Not only did she say yes, but she did so without causing either of us to bust our southern-fried asses on the ice. We were apparently the first of the season, which was pretty exciting...HUZZAH!

Also, I turned 27 yesterday. It's weird to be as old as Tom. It kind of hurts.

i knew saving these would come in handy!


this is the weirdest city. at 9am this morning, about 12 nascars raced down madison avenue in front of my office... i think i saw dale jr. but i'm not sure. it was loud. it was weird.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

hard boiled

Anybody know the best way to hard boil and egg?
Yes. I'm serious.
I think i did it wrong because the shell didn't peel away very easily.

BUT, i got Egglands Best - it tasted non-eggy. Awesome.


I've started to post weekly interviews on the blog. Check them out if you get a chance. Problem is that I'm running out of people to interview. So, if you know any interesting people that I can talk to, email me at

Doesn't have to be in advertising, anyone with an interesting point of view would be spectacular! Thanks guys, cheers.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanks to you

Thanks to You

Thanks to you, this past year was beautiful. I could count on you in the deepest heartache, in my most unsure moments, in the passing of my sweet and loving animals, and in the journey through my mom's death. Thanks to you, I have an amazing book filled with love, compassion, heart and the character of your souls. Thanks to you, I am a stronger man and fellow human being.

Thanks to you, I offer this for your own hearts to reflect upon this day: Be true to your own heart and listen to your inner spirit - it is a true guide. Find a way to feast alone within your self each and every day. It is the richest meal you will have that day. Truly you are precious. Each of you.

Happy Thanksgiving you guys. I love you.

Happy Turkey Day

Emo moment - I'm glad to know all of you guys! While you guys are munching down on turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, corn, pumpkin pie and the such I will be eating fish and chips. It's all "gravy" though because tonight is the Naked Sessions party. Mods vs Rockers. Word.

Don't forget to go (red) this year. I got the Gap(Red) hoody and it's sick duddddeee!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Things that burn...besides Kevin's stomach.

I did not go to work yesterday.
The Richards Group caught on fire. Seriously.

But I am back at work today.
Here's my personal contest to come up with a new tagline for TRG:

The Richards Group is HOT!
We're on fire, baby!
If you can't stand the heat, get out of advertising.
What did Kevin have for lunch? That's how hot we are.
Hey, do you smell smoke?

For Joanna (Schilling?)

Joanna, congrats on getting your marriage on. As a tribute to many years, nay, decades of happy weddedness, and as a hollaback to your shout out to the things I eat for lunch, I bring to you: "Yesterday's Lunch: Frito Pie."

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Forecast...Sunshine & Shitstorms

Hello all,

I know that I have been absent from your forum and I hate to bring you down. We have had a loss in our family. My father died two weeks ago. I know that many of you never met him, but I am very much like him. Needless to say, we are dealing with the loss the best we can. That’s all I’ll say here.

Any now to happier things... I got married in July.

Here’s what you missed:

1. It rained only during the time the ceremony was scheduled. We got married inside.
2. I don’t remember anyone I talked to only that they seemed very happy.
3. Several old people suffered back injuries attempting a dance move called the “alligator”
4. My husband’s conception story was told in great detail during a toast. Too bad it was the wrong one.

Anyhow, you all sound like you are doing magnificently. This blog is great. Thanks for the updates on what you are having for lunch. It helps me get through the day.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving. Give your family lots of hugs.

See, Alison, I posted.

Strawberry Hill Races, 05. Barrie wouldn't get off the roof of my cab, someone set up a weird drinking game, and people started passing out in the lawn in front of the track.

I'm pretty sure that Meloche drove my truck back, and everyone kept yelling at Mike, who would oscillate between trying to get us to drink more, and passing out mid sentence.

Good times.
Death of the Traditional Marketing Model

Here is a video of the eulogy we had for the Traditional Marketing Model at our launch party on the 9th of November. This guy was really incredible.


What's everybody doing for Thanksgiving? If you're in Virginia Beach and have nothing better to do, you can come to my house and eat.

That's assuming the airport isn't so insane tomorrow that I don't get anywhere, but let's hope for the best.

Oh, and for all you vegans (Josh/Kevin), apparently there's a new cocktail here that's getting rave reviews that's pork flavored...

Monday, November 20, 2006

long-distance moverssss

Can anybody recommend a long-distance mover that they've been ecstatic with? It's that time, now that I have a place to put my bed, table, otherlargefurnitureandthings, etc. please & thanks!


Anyone know how to display the most recent comments using blogger? Instead of this gross list to the right?

"Bonner and Leimer give it two thumbs way up!!"

Friday, November 17, 2006

Shout Out!

Just had to share this kick-ass "non-trad" idea that our dear friend Joshua had for our Green SF campaign for PG&E. Lots of hard work on the account side went into making these grass couches come to life, but it wouldn't have been possible without the idea! This creative media thing can work. Yay!

"I Respect my S*?t"

was the title of the first song sung by this guy at the reggae concert Alison made me go to.


where's my chopski?

Ramirez wanted me to pass this around...

View it here:


Anyone else feeling particularly unproductive today... my computer's on, i'm staring at it, i have plenty to do, it's even open on the thing i'm working on... and yet, nothing.

And for some reason, all i can think about is Indigo here saying "helly, my name is Indigo killed my father... prepare to die."

Damnit, i just spilled hot chocolate...


view from terrace 1
Originally uploaded by johanna on video.
There were tears involved in getting this apartment. But we finally did. I'll be living with my close friend and bandmate, Laura (we have known each other since 9th grade). It is in Greenpoint. Any other Greenpointers? I think the rest of your NYers live in Manhattan?

New Cingular spot = bad

I think the new Cingular spot using 'A Christmas Story' is lame (lamb if Alison's reading). That's probably one of the best movies ever... each year when TNT plays 24 hours of 'A Christmas Story,' i watch it like 6 times... I think using it to huck phones is definitely not awesome. Am I alone, again, forever?



"Sometimes when we think we are keeping a secret, that secret is actually keeping us." - Frank Warren

Just got the new PostSecret book at Naked today for a project and it is a must get for anyone. If you don't want to buy the book, please check out the website at

Post Secret is an art project where anyone can write a secret on a postcard and send them in. Here are some examples...



This would have been a good project to do in Charlie's class.

It got me to thinking about all the secrets that I keep...

What are yours?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

footage of Mike's trip around the world?

what's the word for....

This is not a thesaurus. It's for people who can't even come up with a synonymous word. People like me.
You know, it's for when you start the question like so - "What's the word for when someone is ......blah blah blah."

It's a backward dictionary!
You give it your definition and it gives you the word!
It's the small things in life guys.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Must Read

Some books strive to answer age old questions such as: "Where do babies come from?" or "What does 'adopted' mean?" This book, however, answers an even more pressing question....that we have all secretly asked ourselves...

Here are a few sample pages: