Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Burka Burka Burka Burka

In an attempt to show Tom how much I appreciate him, I sent him on assignment to Dubai and Abu Dhabi for the next week.

He will be observing Arabic focus groups and trying not to offend too many people.

I'm pretty sure since he's started we've been in the office at the same time maybe a day and a half.

This works perfectly, except when he sends out all agency emails without runnin' them by me first.

Take this one, on his first day, for example:

Subject: the coolest

planner ever to work here.
compliment my beard and i will buy you a pint of your choice.
seriously. i need to make friends.

That little doozy was quite the hit.

By the way, how do ya'll feel about the planner survey?
Saw that Fallon Planning Blog is the second most read, which will probably spiral downward in popularity now that Tom has to post to it.


Johanna Beyenbach said...

Something surprising for me was "asst. planners with masters average salary - $43,860" vs. "asst. planners with boot camp average salary - $53,300." Yet VCU was mentioned 19 more times than Miami Ad School in "programs that produce good planners." Otherwise no huge surprises. Except blogs didn't seem to be checked - "Faris Yakob," "Talent Imitates" and "Genius Steals" are all referring to the same blog. Congratulations on Trendpoint being #2, that's awesome!

Naughton said...

i've learned to lock my email program when not at my desk, or jerks (like josh) will send out emails about you...

i'm still getting emails from people saying they want beers... for free

it's hot here

danielli said...

tom is such a boob.

i can't believe you guys are in minneapolis now. i could have really used you back then.

oh well.

mikekarnj said...

thats so cute.
you guys are back together again.