Since I have completely exhausted my small and feral group of friends in S.F. with how much I dig No Country for Old Men- I have decided to extend it to you.
I imagine that most of you have had the pleasure of seeing this movie (and hopefully Juno as well), and that you would be first to rise up and agree that it is one of the masterpieces of our time; if you haven't seen it please consider it a holiday request from me.
On a related note, by my estimate I have read between 20-30 books this year (still working out my favorite), and bought oodles of music (Dan Deacon best show, Midlake most repeatedly listenable band), visited a slew of airports (Charlotte #1/Austin #2), and generally been a bombastic consumer of pop culture (cardigans are the new sweater). So, by corollary, most of you have done the same.
So spill them beans. What's the best?
Oh-I really like this picture.
ALBUM(S): Battles 'Mirrored' or White Rabbits 'Fort Nightly'
MOVIE: unfortunately, it wasn't the Simpsons, but because it wasn't, i can't vote...
WATER: H2Ultra, (we think it's wetter than other waters at our office)
ACCENT: probably British, maybe Czech?
NAME MENTIONED IN A CLIENT MEETING: Harry Ballser (not kidding)
I forgot to add Deadbeat Toms' Mom to my list.
Can't imagine how she slipped my mind.
ALBUM: Justice
BOOK: Four Hour Work Week
MOVIE: No Country for Old Men
BRAND: Behance
GOOD: alldaybuffet.org
Who's the hottie?
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