Monday, August 13, 2007

Designer Manifesto

Icon Magazine has published the manifesto's of 50 famous (I imagine, although have no idea) designers. The image is by Yves Behar.

Some of my favorite pieces:
he essence of British landscape architecture was to reshape nature according to fashion and taste; the cult of the cultivar, the art of the artefact... ! Landscape was the domain of dandies, hermits and poets. The 20th century produced landscapes of little or no interest. The specific became general, the norm became the rule, landscape turned into environment. A delicate green tissue turned into a monstrous green blanket...

Landscape architecture should once again become a source of aesthetic experimentation.


Design makes things seem special, and who wants normal if they can have special? And that’s the problem.

What has grown naturally and unselfconsciously over the years cannot easily be replaced. Not that old things shouldn’t be replaced or that new things are bad, just that things that are designed to attract attention are usually unsatisfactory. There are better ways to design than putting a big effort into making something look special. Special is generally less useful than normal, and less rewarding in the long term. Special things demand attention for the wrong reasons, interrupting potentially good atmosphere with an awkward presence. Preserve Normal, resist Special!


Everybody who is honest is interesting


We believe that “content” is something you do – not something you are given by a person in a black T-shirt.

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