Sunday, June 24, 2007

Aunt Jackie

Just wrote a post on my blog. As you guys know, I've been following dance moves within hip hop culture for a long time now and I've started to put some of the pieces together to understand how dancing is influential within that culture. I know the majority of you do not listen to Hip Hop but putting aside what you personally think about it, take a look at the post here. It's still kind of rough but would love to know what you planners think!


glennd said...

"Doing a dance states that you are “in the know” and that you belong. It’s undeniable and a one-way ticket into the culture."

I liked this statement as it reminded me of an incident in my life. We came across an Ethopian afterhours club and my friends said they were a little uncomforatable going in, but we did anyway...sunlight wasn't too far away. Anyhoo, a great old school song came on and I went to the dance floor and started breaking and everyone opened up a circle and started clapping. My friends came rushing through the crowd as they thought I was being jumped by Ethopian gang members.

What I had done was open myself up to sharing culture..even though it wasn't their culture, they respected that I was willing to share mine (or lack thereof) with them. I had many people come up to me after the dance and offer me drinks and say that was did you do that. I drank their beer, shots, we compared moves...This was an entry...

However, I also believe that it only an entry and that individuals need to continue to learn and share to be a viable member.

That's enough from me

mikekarnj said...

That's pretty cool Glenn. Good insights. Reminds me of that project we had to in Charlie's class. Does anyone remember that? With the walls? And, of course, Josh's castle or whatever he presented

Joshua said... was a monolith.

glennd said...

"WE were on a break!"

mikekarnj said...

what the hell is a monolith?

glennd said...

I think you get it from kissing girls in castles...

alison said...

glenn is on fire!

Joshua said...

what the deuce?

mikekarnj said...