Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Enlighten me.

Maybe I'm just old, or maybe I'm just distracted by all of the new vocabulary words with the root "twitter," but I seriously don't understand the appeal of this. For me it seems like wasted time that I could've actually just called, IMed, or texted a friend to tell them about an atrociously awesome quote from ANTM. And if you don't know what that even means, then why would you want to be notified of it when I actually did twitter it?

At first I thought I was just missing something, but Kate assured me that I wasn't alone in this confusion.

It has 100,000 participants, which I realize isn't a lot in the grand scheme, but it's still enough that it's weird.

read the Twitter link


danielli said...

as michael jackson says, "you are not along. for i am here with you..."

i don't get it either. maybe we're just the lame kids.

kate said...

well, it certainly gets a lot of buzz -that is why i feel like i'm missing something. anybody else have an opinion on this?

Joshua said...

twitter is like reality tv. without the tv. and the reality expressed is so mundane, their friends and family don't even want to hear about it.

"I'm brushing my teeth" When did that become more than complete pollution? When did something that you wouldn't even mention if you were on a road trip with a broken radio become the vehicle for the next online hotness?

It's all tied up in celebrity driven culture (OMG ryan gosling wears sandals too?!!!)blogs, text messaging, fucking ETC. that this truly computer-centric generation has been weened on. Attempts at complete transparency with very little actual substance.
I don't know why this is. Maybe because exposing your day-to-day and flittering thoughts is a hell of a lot easier than creating substance, which takes reflection and thought.
Maybe it's because tech bloggers can only output so much churn without having to harp on something with limited difference that has all the big ah-ha words; social, network, sms, instant update, global.

This sounds angry and all i really wanted to talk about was a song lyric.

It's maddening. Hope ya'll are having a good Tuesday.

kevin said...

freebasing. 2 hours ago