Sunday, February 18, 2007

My teacher Lao Tzu

"Evolved individuals know that people who are not intuitivecan be dangerous to work with, since they are guided solely by the present appearance of things that are, in reality, changing. Evolved individuals seek out others who have intuition and vision -- a form of intelligence that comes from cultivating their own instinct, observing the direction of change, and apprehending changing ideas."

This said 2,500 years ago in the Tao Te Ching written by Lao Tzu.



alexis said...

One of my favorite books. So amazing how relevant it is!

alexis said...

Also wanted to mention that this type of philosophy has been sort of remolded for today in a book that was just on Oprah, called "The Secret."
It's all about how we bring circumstances and people into our lives based on the energy we put out into the world.
Good stuff:)

Kerry said...

Alexis--funny that you bring up the book the Secret I just read it for a project Im working on here at Ogilvy--great thoughts. Love the ideas behind it--like attracts like! :) Hope you're doing well