Friday, February 09, 2007

It's Official... sorta.

So I quit my job on Tuesday - I'd had it. That was it - couldn't do it anymore. I had nothing lined up, so it felt like the biggest risk ever, but very liberating. Within hours of my 2-week notice being given, I was on the phone with someone I'd interviewed with back in May, who was starting an agency a few blocks from my house. The guys running it have great experreince - Chiat, the local agency 'Eisner,' and a few other big agencies - one of the guys had even started a local agency "Underground" that was eventually bought out by Eisner. When I interviewed back in May, it was really premature to go there - they didn't need juniors, so the guy I interviewed with told me about the agency I'm at now, because they're winning a lot of business and his wife works there.
So after hating my job for six months, I quit. And started talking to my contact again. Between Wednesday and Thursday of this week, I had two interviews over 4 beers, and ended last night's interview with a job offer! (I accepted and now have case of permagrin.)
I am absolutely giddy! The most exciting thing is that the Agency themselves are in need of direction, so I can't wait to help mold things - instead of doing estimates and being yelled at all day:)

Thank you guys for all your support. You remind me that I can do it!!
- alexis


Naughton said...

congrats holmes!

was looking at their site and their work is pretty rad.

alexis said...

thanks, tommy boy.
("I killed my sale!!!")

krissie said...

Very cool website -- I'm so proud of you! No one yells at Alexis and gets away with it!

glennd said...

I'm so haapy to hear that you have found something that will be meaningful to you!

That real estate commercial is so f$%^ing funny. They did that on the cheap and probably got a lot of exposure, well at least after 9 pm.

Kick ass.

kate said...

rock on alexis!
i'm so proud of you for doing what felt right. big risks lead to even greater rewards and you are a shining example of that.

keep us posted!

Johanna Beyenbach said...

very proud of you, Alexis. It's easy to stay at a crap job and begin to hate one's life. yay! Keep us posted on the brilliance you'll take those guys thought...

kevin said...

congrats alexis, it looks awesome...glad you could shake the old crappy job and get one you liked...

coincidentally, exit 10 is where i used to buy my heroine when in the baltimore area.

alison said...

yay Alexis!