So, here it is. My last day at Naked Communications. I'm coming back to the good ol' USofA.
Let's meet up.
2/04 (Barcelona and Prague)
2/12 (NYC)
2/14 (Columbia, Missouri)
2/22 (Richmond, Virginia)
2/24 (Yorktown and Virginia Beach, Virginia)
3/1 (New Orleans)
3/5 (NYC)
Monday, February 12th you New Yorkers should come out for drinks in LES/East Village. Anyone want to pick a place, say around 8/9 PM?
Glenn - I expect to hear "Glenn, Glenn, Glenn" down Cary Street on the 22nd and 23rd.
And, I'm serious about a reunion. Any suggestions for a city or a date? I will organize it if we can agree on those two things. Maybe the APG conference in San Diego?
Feb. 12th huh? call me when you're in town.
but only if you promise not to whine about 'did i make the right decision?' all night like you've been doing for the past 2 months...
just kidding.
i propose boston. but the APG might work, although I'm not sure if I'll be going courtesy of my agency or not...
I thought you were going to be here on the 13th! Oh well. Pay the office a visit, I hear Faris might come with you. Coffee in the morning too, as we said! Geez, with all these dates you should have a Mike K tour shirt made up for us.
i'd rather wear an Ozfest tour t-shirt.
what's wrong with a new orleans reunion?
no planning conference necessary.
If you guys organize a reunion it should be a class one.
i like barrie's idea of new orleans...maybe kumar will flash us his rack.
though the apg conference in san diego is a pretty sweet deal too. i love that city.
let's have the reunion at danny's house.
I like Barries idea of a trip to NO and Danny's idea of having a class reunion.
Mike-they'll actually be chanting Mike, Mike, Mike down Cary street and at Velvet.
Have fun on the Mike K tour.
come to beautiful california, where it is always nearly nice. plus, i'll be at the APG, so at least you will have one person to drink with.
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