Thursday, February 15, 2007

Black History Month

In the spirit of Black History Month, here is your random education of the day.

I sent an email a long time ago about the Lean With It, Rock With it dance so you guys knew about it before it got big. You feel special? There's a new dance coming out of Harlem. This is old news but I've been out of the country for a couple of months.

Here's some Harlem history for you. A couple of years ago, they came out with the Harlem Shake. Preview the clip before if you don't know what it is.

And now they have the Chicken Noodle Soup dance. Laugh all you want but this dance is hot fire. You can see the harlem shakin, and crumpin influences in how they dance now. Fascinating to see how it evolves over the years.

And for those of you out, out the loop. Here's the new hot song coming out of NYC.


Naughton said...

my favorite part is when he said "hot fire."

you so crazy, mike.

mikekarnj said...

That's off Chapelle Show when they make fun of Da Band.

"I spit hot fire"

Duh Tom

kevin said...

where do you get all of this stuff?

Joshua said...

If that song is what's hot in NYC now-then I am so very glad to be as far away from it as possible. Seriously, when is someone going to call complete bullshit no talent on some of this utter crap? That songs worse than me on Kevin's drums.

mikekarnj said...

Kevin - I keep my ears to the streets

And Josh - I didn't say I liked the song, Im just updating everyone on hip hop trends and shizznizzles

kevin said...

if your ears got near the street you'd get mugged

mikekarnj said...

That's why the information I pass to you guys is very valuable

alison said...

keep it coming, Mike! i've almost perfected the chicken noodle.