Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Good Festival

Anyone working on brands that would be interested? Here is the proposal...



danielli said...

you totally used that jimmy carter quote that we used in our bda presentation!

alison said...

do you mean James Carter??

danielli said...

ha. boyk's was pissed about the whole james carter thing. along with the word "edumacation" on one of our slides.

i think that's the presentation we bombed anyway. but bombing just one out of the million presentations we had to do isn't so bad. the japanese are a tough crowd.

god bless merkin. aka, shamus mctude.

mikekarnj said...

hahaha, I didn't know you guys used that quote. Shows how much I contributed that semester. I actually googled diversity quotes and that was the first one that I found.

Speaking of bombing presentations to Japanese and my lack of motivation our last semester, let's not forget about my presentation in Coughter's class where I said fuck a 100 times. It was an accident, I swear.

And we got Budweiser to be the official sponsor of the festival. Word! Anyone have any suggestions for good bands?

danielli said...

you DID swear a lot during that presentation.

but my favorite presentation of yours was the one you did about josh: "josh is like lucky lounge. he thinks he's cool, but he's not."

a close second would have to be your audible.com brief, where you targeted old people in their 50s who were going blind.

festival sounds awesome, i'll let you know if i think of anyone.

mikekarnj said...

Yes, I forgot about those. All I remember was Charlie drilling me with questions after the Audible brief. You can blame Glenn and Alison for that one as they took the only two viable options for targets. I had to make one up!

I can't believe they let me graduate from that school.