Saturday, January 06, 2007


This city is kind of big sometimes, but it is also kind of small. I ran into Tom in the subway tonight. A hug happened. Hi Tom!


Anonymous said...

That's kinda cool!

Where was Tom's boyfriend? HA ha ha ha...

kate said...

dude. just stop.

kate said...

wanted to clarify.
my comment was to anonymous, not johanna.
anonymous = annoying.

kevin said...

time for a password I think.

mikekarnj said...

I've changed it so only registered users can comment, but I guess that means that person only has to sign up for an account under a fake name and keep posting. Hopefully the person will get a life and stop spending so much time on our blog.

Johanna Beyenbach said...

This may or may not be the same champ who periodically insults the hell out of me on my blog. o well.

Anonymous said...

Whaaaa, ban the person who says things we don’t like. My mommy and daddy say that I’m special and they bought me a new car to prove it. You can’t say those things to me.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a bigger bunch of crybabies. It’s obvious that you all went to the Adcenter and have over an overdeveloped sense of self-worth. Try not taking yourselves so seriously and have some fun. It's sad to see that you precious little egos can't take a little jab here and there.

kevin said...

If there was anything out there that could crush our "precious little egos," unimaginative Internet postings from some anonymous jackass couldn't be any farther from it. If wasting our time is what you're after, congratulations, you're the big winner, now go away.

felix said...


alexis said...

felix would say coward. and that's why i love his canadian ass so damn much.
now go drink a guinness for me.