Thursday, December 21, 2006

What do we do again?

First off, I wanted to congratulate the good people at Venables (Bryna + Josh) for winning the Audi pitch. As you know, I broke up with my A4 before I moved to London but if you guys "engage" me as a "consumer" and "connect" with me on a "relevent" note, I might buy the A3 when I get back :)

Second, I was showing off the new flashy business cards we got yesterday to my sister (aren't they cool Jo?) but she still has no idea what I do. And I had no idea how to explain it without sounding like a big dork.

Does anyone have a little little speech put together especially now since it's Christmas time and I'm pretty sure you'll get drilled by family members. Or something unique they say about their job?


glennd said...

What we do, or what you do?

I think your mom has it right if she thinks you work at a strip club.

Hey, congrats to everyone in the Audi pitch and Bryna and Josh for bringing home the bacon. How long was your powerpoint?

felix said...

I sit around all day thinking about plastic bags and its cultural significance and daily IM interruptions by Mikekarnj.

Danny said...

I think you sound like a dork no matter what. You are the second coming of Bryan Chiao.

Danny said...

And does anyone really believe that Josh contributed anything of use to the Audi pitch? Think back to your time at school. Did Josh actual say anything that wasn't just a mix of hubris and ad speak?

Naughton said...

you make 2 very good points anonymous, i'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

kevin said...

Yeah congrats to you guys...I didn't work on the pitch but everyone I work with was all worried about BBH. I kept telling them that Vbell was the agency to watch out for. They didn't listen. Hope you don't have liver damage after last night.

Johanna Beyenbach said...

Yeah Mike the new cards are awesome! I can't wait until they arrive here.

If I don't feel like explaining, I just say creative solutions to business problems.

kevin said...

the new cards better be ice cream or I won't be impressed

Joshua said...

hey thanks everybody for the kind words. it's pretty exciting, and a tad surreal. I don't think it will hit me until I forget what weekends used to be for.

if any of you want to come on out to the west coast, let me know, as we would be glad to have you (and are in need of all services)-even those with large helpings of hubris. Have a great new year.

mikekarnj said...

Can I drink all day and gamble? If I can do that, I'll be out there tomorrow

Charlie said...

OK Mike, since no one else CARES enough about you, here is my two cents worth. Tell everyone to imagine that an ad is like a gift! Remember now? Art direction is the package, copy is the tag.. but inside is what matters!!! And Mike, that's what you do. You figure out what goes in the box!!!!!!!

mikekarnj said...


That might be the best analogy I've ever heard of what we do. You nailed it on the head, thanks so much. I will use that.
