Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Forecast...Sunshine & Shitstorms

Hello all,

I know that I have been absent from your forum and I hate to bring you down. We have had a loss in our family. My father died two weeks ago. I know that many of you never met him, but I am very much like him. Needless to say, we are dealing with the loss the best we can. That’s all I’ll say here.

Any now to happier things... I got married in July.

Here’s what you missed:

1. It rained only during the time the ceremony was scheduled. We got married inside.
2. I don’t remember anyone I talked to only that they seemed very happy.
3. Several old people suffered back injuries attempting a dance move called the “alligator”
4. My husband’s conception story was told in great detail during a toast. Too bad it was the wrong one.

Anyhow, you all sound like you are doing magnificently. This blog is great. Thanks for the updates on what you are having for lunch. It helps me get through the day.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving. Give your family lots of hugs.


Johanna Beyenbach said...

Joanna, I'm so sorry for your loss. Don't hesitate to reach out at ANY time, we will all be here for you. We love you, babe. Also, congrats on the marriage :)

kate said...

We love you Jo! Despite the distance we are all here for you.

ps. you look beautiful in your wedding picture!

Kerry said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family.
Congrats on the wedding as well :)
If you need anything at all please call/write/email.
Thinking of you.

alexis said...

JOANNA! I can't believe it! How unexpected!
I am thinking of you guys and all the stories you told me about your dad. Know that everyone in our class felt a connection to your family because you shared so much about them. It just breaks my heart to think about how this must be for you, but I will light a candle for your family and for your dad every sunday, like I do for my brother.
Your wedding sounds beautiful - I've been so anxious to hear about it! Your dress turned out perfect and you look like an angel!
When you have a chance, please send me your email address (alexis11@mac.com).
I love you, babe!

glennd said...

Good to hear from you.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad and wishing you and your family the best.

Tell Ed I said Hi!

If you're in Richmond, give me a call (202) 321-8925.