Friday, November 10, 2006

Favorite Adcenter memory

"Hi, my name is Thompson and I love the feeling of a warm pizza on my penis at 3 AM"

Raqib's extraplatory circle slash cylinder thing that made no fucking sense

Strawberry Hill Races 2005


True story, the very first night we had class, Barrie and I threw a joint party. Well, I guess I wasn't that fucking cool because no one came to my apartment (I almost put flat, grrr, gay) but I remember walking upstairs to stop by with my friends. The party was lame with a capital L so I decided to leave, not because of the people, only because I was still in frat boy mode and I wanted to get wasted. This guy came up to me and asked me where I was going, I responded "Europa" (only because I was 21 and I thought that place was super cool bc it had red leather couches) and low and behold at midnight I feel a hand on my shoulder, "DUDDDDDEEEE" followed by the infectious Glenn laughter. Tangent, I've actually developed a response to that greeting over the years, everytime I hear that I get this scary gut feeling that the night will end very bad. I think they call that conditioned response or something like that in psychology. Anyways, the night proceeded to rumblminz, jeiger, and whatever the fuck and that led to screaming nazi's. I think you can figure out where the night ended.

We should change this to our favorite Glenn memory.

Glenn and I walking home and embarassing ourselves in front of Greenberg from R/GA

Glenn giving all of us a ride in his RV and leaving us to go home.... WHICH WAS HIS RV, I'm still mad you left us


glennd said...

remember that time glenn was snoring during the speaker and then hearing from Drew later that the guy asked if his speech was boring cause he thought he had heard someone snoring.

Raqib giving me a back message, still nobody better.

Allison doing her best Sandra Dee (Grease) at my house with her friends.

Walks with Ed along the River.

Lauren's 37 "umms" during her first presentation at the Adcenter.

Chanda's intro cheer for our VCU Bookstore presentation.

Alexis walking on her hands the first day at the Adcenter.

Brandon's final presentation to Bryna that had us all crying like babies. (Charlie had better have given you an A)

Barrie's snorts.

Danielli's burps.

Tom's not so secretive farts.

MY first night out at the Adcenter and running into Mike and Thompson, and of course asking them if they had ever had a screaming Nazi.

Dancing for a group of old women at Lucky.

Kumar and I going to the Greyhound station and totally feeling out of place.

Dana's story of her fear of squirrels.

seeing pics of Lauren at the halloween party.

Shooting a video with Raqib, Brandon and Kate-running on the bridge over the river- and then putting it to the song "things that make you go humm"

Rob coming to class with no work done and wondering why they were asking him to leave.

Caroline just disapperaing.

Kevin and I talking to a guy at Sine before our interviews for Martin internship who later asked if Martin could do advertising for his business.

Tiffany Glover and Kerri doing a shake your booty movie-then a doll movie-then a detective movie.

Only Josh and I paying for a two day pass to get into Kings Dominion.

Josh and I at a park in Chickahominy. RVing it.

Mike and I talking Greenberg's ear off at 4:30 in the morning.

Everytime Mike and I went out!

Joanna Chopski and I doing interviews at the tennis club.

Danielli freaking out about doing interviews at VCU...until she saw a cute guy.

Krissie refusing to do interviews.

Handing out drinks for surveys at the skate park.

That's enough for now, as I'm at work. But I miss ALL of you!!!!! I feel genuinely lucky to have met each and every one of you. I wish you all the best and will do anything I can for any of you.

Barrie said...

i DID NOT snort.
i did, however, cackle.

krissie said...

I did NOT refuse to do interviews. People just like you better!

Lauren said...

I did NOT say "umm" 37 times.

Oh wait, yes I did.
Thanks for the reminder. um. yeah.